You are invited to join us for a day of learning, networking and playing at Brighton Racecourse on Friday 28th May, 2010.
Hi Everyone,On Friday 28th May, 2010 by popular request, I’m holding a Social Media Course at Brighton Racecourse, and I’d love you to join me.This all day event promises to be a fully interactive Social Media course that will help you to create a strategy to ‘future proof’ your business. We’re very lucky to have Vanessa Warwick and Nick Tadd who are both two of the top UK experts on the subject ….in fact they’ve often been referred to as the King and Queen of social media, not surprisingly as they have 16,000 followers…What these guys don’t know isn’t worth knowing! They are also the co founders of one of the top Social Networks in the UKCome and learn how Vanessa and Nick have created massive business exposure over the past four years with a £0 marketing budget, just by using free tools to leverage the social web and they’ll show you how to do the same.Unlike traditional marketing methods like advertisements, leafleting, SEO, PPC, Google Ad Words, etc, which cost money to implement, there are no barriers to entry to engage on the social web, as most of the tools are free to use! Optimising the social web also opens up a third business exposure channel – consumer to consumer – otherwise known as peer, friend, or community review. Bearing in mind that only 14% of people trust advertisements, whereas 78% of people trust a community recommendation, can you afford not to tap into this? It’s also worth noting that 90% of emails sent are regarded as spam by the recipient, so that is why email marketing campaigns are starting to fail.It’s time to wake up to the social web and all the business possibilities it offers!Nick and Vanessa will explain how you can engage with the social web to become known as the “go to” person for your product or service and how you can build a compelling brand to stand out from the crowd.Not only that, we’ve also put some fun into the day too. As it’s being held at Brighton racecourse we’ve purposely booked the course on a race day, so in the afternoon you’ll get the opportunity to have a ‘flutter’….but only if you want to of course. The choice is yours, you can continue learning, network with new and existing contacts or simply soak up the ambience of the day.Here’s the proposed line up: